I had some grand plans to put together wax paper chandelier that MULTIPLE people have posted on their blogs. I'm sure that I could eventually figure out how to do this properly and maybe I just completely overestimated the amount of patience I have but it did NOT turn out well. At all.
My niece came over to help, my sister to watch, my nephew to entertain Benny.

We were still feeling pretty good about ourselves so here she is.... happy that she has accomplished successfully tearing eleventy bajillion sheets of wax paper.
Then things began to get more difficult as I realized I had lost my iron. It goes downhill from here.
After my neighbor let me borrow an iron and we get back to work I started the process of ironing only to realize that we didn't need to tear the entire box of parchment paper into strips. You really just need two because you can reuse them because the parchment paper is just there to keep you from screwing up your iron. (Don't worry Julie, we didn't screw up your iron.)
Whatever... Onward and upwards!!! We start ironing things together and I hand them off to Alex. Here's where we run into the major problem....
The whole punch I bought for $20 (I mean I had a coupon and everything so I didn't actually pay that much) SUCKS MONKEYS!!

This is how we felt.
But Nathan had brought home beer from Hop City.
Then we got out the yarn
This is fantastic XD